
In May 2019, KickCancer got blessed with a gorgeous godmother: the Belgian singer Angèle.

While running was never her number one hobby… she discovered a whole new side to it in 2019 when she ran with us at RUN TO KICK and handed over the prizes to our lucky winners.

In 2020, as we temporarily switched to a connected mode (due to COVID), she sang during our live ceremony and – cherry on the cake – gave a small concert at the end.

Later on, she organised a tombola for us, for which she convinced artists and famous people to donate prizes. She gave away her own piano for this tombola, which ultimately brought up more than 200 000 euros for children’s cancer research!

But she couldn’t get enough of the running spirit, so in September 2022, she came back to RUN TO KICK, not only to run, but also to have a chat with patients and their family at the Meet & Greet and, most importantly, to hand over the prizes to our extraordinary winners.

Curious to know what Angèle will be doing with us in the near future? Stay tuned on our social media to find out!

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